This design writing started by conducting a site analysis on Ladywell Fields, London, UK, where human-nature relationship was identified in both historic and current context. These observations inspired a question on where should human intervention end and natures natural processes begin but was then promptly reconsidered in favor of a more relevant question relating to why should people be regenerative or sustainable? This question led to the identification of belief and hope as an agent of change and identified speculative design as a possible medium of communicating the climate crisis. Next, issues preventing society from having a positive relationship with nature were explored which revealed a lack of understanding of complexity within the climate crisis genre, the effects a global social phenomenon known as bystander effect, and shortcomings of current communication on the climate crisis. Speculative design was then explored to mitigate these issues through an exhibition on future positive outcome in response to the finding of hope as an agent of change. Lastly, the process from bystander to active participant was explored though a hypothetical exhibition through a speculative design exhibition in Ladywell Playtower.
Figure 1: Thematic Genre Exploration, Current Communication of the Climate Crisis
Figure 2: Concept image, A vision of the Future in Ladywell Fields
Figure 3: Concept image, A hopeful Future of Ladywell